Monday, November 15, 2010

First Doctors Appointment! :)

So far this pregnancy has been suuuupppeerr easy compared to others! When Janel was pregnant with Brinley, she had to carry a cup around because she would get sick so often.  But with me, I haven't had any nausea.  I only get nauseous when I haven't eaten! So needless to say, I have been worried because I am not having the pregnancy I hear about.  

So I finally had my first doctors appointment today!! I woke up, and it was snowing... great!! I was getting ready and left the house a little after I was planning on leaving.  And of course everyone doesn't know how to drive in the snow... So I was a little late :/  I go in, sign some papers and wait to be called.  When they call me I go back, get weighed, and my temp is taken.  I have to pee in a cup... AGAIN! Luckily I had something to give her! When I get back to the room they ask the normal questions... when was your last cycle, height, any allergies, any medications I have been taking.. the works! Then the nurse comes in and talks to me about the flu shot... yeah yeah yeah I heard it all already! I have never had a flu shot, and never had the flu (knock on wood!!) so I don't see it is necessary.  But pregnant women are at risk.. yada yada yada. She goes through the genetic testing and what it tests for.  Of course none of that is of interest to me.  Then the LOOONNNGGG list of questions come.... 

how many pregnancies have you had?
any miscarriages?
last period?
28 day cycle?
normal periods?
birth control?
heart condition?
hepatitis B?
history of genetic birth defects?
feeling threatened or harmed in any way?
father of the same race?
drug use?
alcohol use?

Of course I am healthy person so I answered "no" to most of those questions! I talked to her about how I was worried about the health of the baby since I don't "feel pregnant." And she said there is nothing to worry about because I am so healthy, but it still worries me!! She told me at my next visit I will get to hear the heartbeat!! I can't wait! That will really be what makes it real for me! :) I will keep you posted!!

The Winters


  1. Ahh congrats hun!! Good to hear you are having it easier than Janel with the nausea. I love the layout of your blog by the way it is super cute! CONGRATS again hun!!
    -Megan Funk

  2. SOOOO excited! What a great birthday present- your first (of MANY) doctor's appointments. I was just thinking today about how totally blessed we are to even be able to go to the doctor's office. Some people will NEVER be able to see a doctor even during birth. We are a blessed nation and a blessed people.

  3. Don't worry about not feeling pregnant. It's normal. The first three months or so are boring. It's too small to feel anything. Like you said, once you hear the hearbeat, it'll be real for you. It'd be even better if you found out the sex;0)
